During the interregnum, to make arrangements for baptisms, weddings, funerals or for anything not listed below |
Sue Fear | suefearpcc@gmail.com |
Church Warden | Vacant | |
Deputy Church Warden | Vacant | |
Lay Pastoral Assistant | Claire Tanner | 01985 218099 |
Pastoral Visitor | Barbara Hughes | 01373 832273 |
PCC Secretary | Sue Fear | 01373 832074 |
PCC Treasurer | Ian and Janet Buick | 01373 832318 |
Benefice Administrator | Vacant | |
Safeguarding Officer | Sarah Humberstone | cleyhillbeneficeoffice@gmail.com |
50/50 Club | Sue Fear | 01373 832074 |
Tower Captain | Michael Attenborough | 01373 832777 |
Electoral Roll | Di Britten | 01373 832515 |
Time To Think Home Group | Trudi Hopkinson | 01373 832393 |
Light Bites Lunches | Maureen Willcox | 01373 832171 |
Benefice Webmaster www.cleyhillchurches.org |
Mike Palmer | mjp.mikepalmer@gmail.com |